16. The B list : Herbs and Spices that Heal - BLACK COHOSH
Actaea Racemosa
 or Cimicifuga Racemosa
Otherwise known as:
 Black snakeroot
 Black bugbane
 Fairy candle


Join the Gulzaar Foods journey of herbal discovery in the woodland habitats of North America. The flowering plant is in Canada too!


Appearance and Description

  • Grows up to two feet tall.
  • White or grey flowering heads.


  • Cohosh root is known as herbal remedy thousands of years by indigenous American groups.
  • It is used as a ''natural cure for all'' and found as a dietary supplement.
  • Black Cohosh tea is a preferred beverage.


 BLACK COHOSH Health Benefits

Black Cohosh reduces inflammation.

  • This eases menopause and menstrual symptoms.
  • Eliminates spasms.
  • Promotes restful sleep.
  • Improves the immune system.
  • Prevents cramping
  • Relieves aches and pains  and nervous tension

Anti-inflammatory Action

Useful for sore throats, high blood pressure, and congestion.

It decreases the possibility of blood clots that cause heart attacks.

Reduces Menopausal Symptoms

    It reduces hot flashes as well as night sweats for women going through menopause.

    Improves Digestive Health

      The herb eliminates waste products, reducing constipation and conditions like gastric ulcers.

      Black Cohosh reduces nausea flatulence and cramping.

       Pain Management

        It stimulates contractions during labor and speeding the birthing process, reducing labor and delivery risks.

        Restful Sleep

          A natural sedative, it helps with insomnia.

          Mood Swings Reduction

            Body hormonal balance regulates stress and moods. 



            1. Mahady GB, et al. (2008). United States Pharmacopeia review of the black cohosh case reports of hepatotoxicity. Menopause, 15(4): 628-638.
            2. Leach MJ, Moore V. Black cohosh (Cimicifuga spp.) for menopausal symptoms. Cochrane Database
            3. Gorman GS, Coward L, Darby A, et al. Effects of herbal supplements on the bioactivation of chemotherapeutic agents. J Pharm Pharmacol 65(7):1014-1025, 2013.Gorman GS, Coward 


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